The Psyn-Post

Reconstruction of Newsletter of the PsyWar Detachment at Fort Riley, KS

VOLUME 1 # 20             SPECIAL SEND HOME COPY, THE PSYN-POST             PAGE 5

Sound Off Once More.... !

HQ Company

PROVISIONAL HEADQUARTERS COMPANY, (GROUP II): Reading from left to right, top row: Pvt Szerwint, Pvt Truhlar, Pvt Schneider, Pvt Crump, Pfc Stone, Cpl Hertel, Pfc Sanfilippo, Pvt Taborsky, Pvt Lansford, M/Sgt Beckwith, Lt Fairchild; 3rd row: Pvt Feudtner, Cpl Hartley, Pfc Fox, Pfc Nicely, Pfc O'Flaherty, Pfc Featherman, Pfc Booker, Pvt Burk, Pvt Samuels, Pvt Newton, Sfc Fodell; 2nd row: Pfc Pearson, Pfc Mogridge, Pfc Maguran, Pfc Vogel, Pvt Krelle, Pvt Strait, Pfc Ogle, Pvt Kusar, Cpl Sadowsky, Pvt Knights, M/Sgt McDonnel; front row: Sfc Dixon, Sfc Rogers, Pvt Sindt, Pvt Saylor, Pvt Retzler, Pvt Plunkett, Pvt Bets, Sgt Roe, Sgt Mohr, Cpl Kunc, Cpl Wolfers, and Pvt Selznick.


(Continued from preceding page)

   As the Detachment itself took shape and form, the embryo Headquarters Company began its training. Officers and EM attended classes within the unit, and the art and script departments, together with the intelligence section, all part of the company, flexed their mental muscles as every man engaged in stage PsyWar problems. The Psyn-Post, "The Weekly Digest of Detachment Doings", was conceived and published in the S 3 section, and as generations come and go, so did PsyWar personnel, but the Psyn-Post stayed on as one of the major functions of the detachment.

   Meanwhile, personnel from other stations throughout the country, were added to the roster of Headquarters Company, and the present functioning organization took shape. As the script and intelligence sections began compiling intelligence and news reports, the daily news sheets, The "PsyWar Monitor", reporting on Radio Moscow, VOA and AFRS, was born.
   However, before the company was developed, many bridges not only had to be crossed, but actually built. With the departure of one

CO, another had to found to take his place. However, the 1st Sgt was always on hand as a steadying influence.
   Meanwhile, the constant influx of additional person- nel caused Headquarters Company to swell, and presented a big problem--finding a job for every man.
   Now, Headquarters Company has reached maturity. It is ready, along with the other companies of this unit, to take its place and do its share in all future plans. Headquarters Company, as we knew it "way back when" is no more.

HQ Clerk

This is not a copy of the original.  However the text is as it was originally and the photographs are inserted in the same general location as in the original.  Many thanks to Elmer Horne, former 2nd Lt in the 2nd L & L and PsyWar Detachment (see S 2 Section on Page 9), who supplied a copy of "The Psyn-Post" and without whose help this page would not be possible.

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Second Publishing:  27-Sep-2005 04:18 PM   -   Last Update:  25-Feb-2006 09:15 PM
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