The Psyn-Post

Reconstruction of Newsletter of the PsyWar Detachment at Fort Riley, KS

PAGE 10             SPECIAL SEND HOME COPY, THE PSYN-POST             VOLUME 1 # 20


PsyWar School

Pictured above are the Director and members of the staff of the PsyWar School, reading left to right: Sgt Perkins, Pvt Osusky, Pfc Arnn, Cpl Phillips, Pfc Housman, Pfc Jacobs, Lt Col J. O. Weaver, Pfc Wise, Pfc Kramer, Cpl Odean, Cpl Karwacki, Prc Stratton, and Pfc Wathan.


          "LILY, THE FELON'S DAUGHTER"          

Play Cast

The cast of the Special Services-PsyWar production of the crash---oops, smash play---standing, left to right: Pfc Daniels, Pfc Schultz, Pfc Konikoff, Pfc Mogridge, sitting: Pvt Oppenheim, Jo Daly, Marianne Peterson, Pat McDermott, and Jane Hibbard.


Mess Staff

   The PsyWar Detachment Mess Hall, like every other department of the unit, was born of many other organizations. In the earliest days, the 2nd L&L provided the EM of the Detachment with their food, 3 times a day.
   It was not until "Exercise Longhorn", that the cooks and KP's of the PsyWar Detachment began operating as a unit mess hall.
   With M/Sgt Otis Cowan as mess steward, and Lt Jack Lehman, our first mess officer, a new building was procured exclusively for the unit. Many new changes took place to produce an attractive mess hall.
   When Lt Lehman left for OIC, Lt Joseph Howe became mess officer and continued the process of producing the most confortable and appetizing mess hall possible, one of the finest at Fort Riley.
   It is with pardonable pride that we look upon this building now----our own Mess Hall----and exclaim to all who can hear us...WHAT A MESS!

This is not a copy of the original.  However the text is as it was originally and the photographs are inserted in the same general location as in the original.  Many thanks to Elmer Horne, former 2nd Lt in the 2nd L & L and PsyWar Detachment (see Page #9), who supplied a copy of "The Psyn-Post" and without whose help this page would not be possible.

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Second Publishing:  27-Sep-2005 04:18 PM   -   Last Update:  25-Feb-2006 09:15 PM
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